poupée sexuelle xtorso

xTorso.com est-il légitime ? Les poupées torse que vous vendez sont-elles authentiques ?

Oui, xTorso.com est un site Web légitime et un détaillant agréé vendant uniquement de véritables poupées sexuelles. Toutes les poupées sexuelles de marque disponibles sur xTorso.com sont des produits 100 % authentiques provenant des meilleures usines de poupées sexuelles.

Pourquoi devrais-je acheter une poupée sexuelle via le vendeur plutôt que directement auprès du fabricant ?

L'équipe du fournisseur possède une connaissance approfondie de différentes marques et peut prendre en compte globalement les besoins des clients et des fabricants, afin d'offrir la meilleure expérience d'achat. Il est également plus facile de promouvoir les produits et de faire connaître à davantage de gens les différentes poupées sexuelles de différentes marques et les différentes fonctions des poupées sexuelles.

De plus, l'achat d'une poupée auprès d'un fournisseur agréé peut rapidement effectuer une communication linguistique pour aider à résoudre divers problèmes que les clients peuvent rencontrer à temps, tandis que les fabricants se concentrent davantage sur la recherche de processus et la production et ne sont pas doués pour communiquer avec les clients.

Questions fréquemment posées

Qu'est-ce qu'un torse de poupée sexuelle ?

Le torse de poupée sexuelle est un type de poupée sexuelle conçue pour imiter le haut du corps et la région pelvienne d'un humain. Cela comprend généralement la poitrine, les seins, la taille, les fesses et les organes génitaux. Le torse sexuel est conçu pour simuler des rapports sexuels et est fabriqué à partir de matériaux de qualité médicale qui imitent fidèlement la sensation de la peau humaine, comme le silicone ou le TPE.

Les poupées sexuelles torse sont souvent vendues séparément des poupées d'amour corps entier, ce qui en fait une option plus abordable et plus pratique pour ceux qui souhaitent vivre une expérience réaliste sans les dépenses et l'espace de stockage requis pour une poupée sexuelle pleine taille. Ils constituent également un choix populaire pour ceux qui préfèrent un jouet sexuel plus compact et discret qui peut être facilement caché lorsqu'il n'est pas utilisé.

Qu'est-ce que le TPE et le silicone ?

Le TPE et le silicone sont deux des matériaux les plus couramment utilisés pour fabriquer des poupées sexuelles, et ils sont à la fois sûrs, confortables et réalistes.

Les poupées sexuelles TPE sont plus douces et plus souples. Cela peut les rendre plus faciles à positionner dans différentes positions sexuelles. De plus, elles sont plus faciles à sculpter pour créer des poupées sexy et réalistes. Elles sont généralement moins chères que les poupées en silicone.

Les poupées sexuelles en silicone sont plus durables et résistantes à l'usure. Ils sont plus faciles à nettoyer et moins susceptibles de retenir les odeurs. Les poupées en silicone ont également tendance à avoir une apparence et un toucher plus réalistes, car le matériau a une fermeté similaire à celle de la vraie peau humaine. Ils peuvent être chauffés plus longtemps.

Remarque : la fonction de sexe oral n'est disponible que sur les têtes en TPE et quelques têtes en silicone souple.

Quels sont les avantages d'un torse de poupée sexuelle ?

Abordabilité : En général, les poupées d'amour torse ont tendance à être moins chères que les poupées de taille normale. Si quelqu'un a un budget limité ou recherche une option plus abordable, une poupée d'amour torse pourrait être un choix approprié.

Portabilité : nos poupées d'amour torse sont plus compactes et légères que les poupées d'amour pleine grandeur. Ils sont plus faciles à stocker et à transporter, ce qui les rend idéaux pour les personnes disposant d'un espace limité ou qui ont besoin d'une option plus discrète.

Discrétion et confidentialité : en raison de leur petite taille, les poupées sexuelles torse sont plus faciles à cacher ou à ranger discrètement, préservant ainsi l'intimité de l'individu.

Expérience ciblée : les poupées sexuelles torse se concentrent sur des parties spécifiques du corps, telles que le torse, les seins et la région génitale. Certaines personnes peuvent préférer cette expérience concentrée, surtout si elles sont principalement intéressées par ces domaines.

Combien de temps faudra-t-il pour que mon torse sexuel arrive ?

En règle générale, vous pouvez recevoir votre colis dans les 10 à 15 jours suivant la date de passation de votre commande. De plus, un délai risque d'être beaucoup plus long que d'habitude lors des fêtes spéciales chinoises telles que la Fête du Printemps, la Fête nationale, etc.

La plupart des articles en stock arrivent 3 à 5 jours après le passage de votre commande, tandis que les commandes non en stock mettent 10 à 15 jours pour arriver.

L'emballage est-il discret ?

Oui, nous prenons votre vie privée très au sérieux, il n'y aura donc aucune étiquette sur la boîte. Vos poupées torse arriveront dans une boîte simple sans identification du contenu.

Comment suivre ma commande?

Une fois le colis expédié, nous vous enverrons par email le numéro de suivi. Veuillez garder un œil sur le suivi de votre commande en cas de problème (par exemple, suivi suspendu, articles manquants, etc.) jusqu'à l'expédition du colis.

Suivez votre commande comme suit :
International Express – http://17track.net
International Express – FedEx : https://www.fedex.com
International Express – UPS : https://www.ups.com

Est-il sécuritaire de commander chez xTorso ?

Absolument sûr. Nous faisons appel à des prestataires de paiement renommés qui cryptent vos données lors de la commande. Nous ne stockons pas les détails de votre carte de crédit/débit.

Nous respectons les lois sur la protection des données, ce qui signifie que nous gardons en sécurité votre nom, votre adresse et toute autre information que vous nous fournissez. Nous ne partageons aucune information client.

Quels modes de paiement acceptez-vous?

Paiement PayPal
Carte de crédit carte de débit

How do i clean my torso dolls holes?

Cleaning her vagina, anus and mouth is a delicate process with several techniques to expose these areas for cleaning. This method we suggest below seems to be one of the easiest and most efficient techniques:

1. Coat a small swab sponge with warm water and antibacterial soap.
2. You can now use this sponge to clean the orifices. Insert the sponge using medical pincers into the orifice until is is clean.
3. You can dispose of this sponge and now repeat steps 1 and 2 above.
4. After two swabs, the orifices should be clean, allowing you insert a second dry sponge to remove any excess soap or moisture.
5. Once you have successfully dried the love doll, you can apply talcum powder to the exterior of the orifice.

How do i dry my doll after cleaning?

Dry skin on your sex doll is extremely important after you wash her. When wet, the skin is much more prone to tears and abrasions.

Using a light non-abrasive material to gently pat her down, focus on removing most of the water from the body as the rest will be natural.

Set your love doll down and leave to dry for an hour or two to ensure most of the moisture has gone. You can now apply the talcum powder all over her body, which will give her a natural fragrance and a soft touch.

What cleaning materials should i use?

There may be other products to use when cleaning your love doll. This is simply a list of some suggestions and tips for you to consider.

Antibacterial soap
Talcum powder (baby powder)
Light sponge
A second sponge cut up into smaller swabs
A non-abrasive drying cloth
Medical pincers
Strong paper towel

There are several techniques to consider when cleaning your love doll. The most efficient method is usually using your shower or bath tub. Depending on your confidence with lifting and positioning the doll, we recommend using a light sponge alongside antibacterial soap to gently wash your doll.

Please use light pressure when washing your doll. Preserving the skin is the most important part – so make sure you don’t get carried away while rubbing her body. If washing your love doll, it is important that the neck and head do not get too wet, or submerged under water, as this could cause rust build up in the neck screws.

What should you avoid when cleaning your love doll?

The correct cleaning and maintenance methods are essential, for your doll to live a long and healthy life. So far we have covered what do to, below are a list of things to avoid when cleaning.

Using any old cleaning agent: There are certain cleaning products that will have a negative reaction to TPE. Antibacterial soap is recommended. If you are unsure about a cleaning agent, please contact us before using it.

Keep away from sharp objects: TPE is a very delicate material, which can tear easily. When storing or cleaning the doll, keep away from anything sharp.

Keep the head above water: as there are sections on the dolls face which need to remain dry, the head must never be fully submerged underwater.

Dry with care: TPE sex dolls can easily tear when drying. As the TPE will be warmer than usual, please take extra care, as the material is more susceptible at this temperature. Only use a dry cloth for drying, remembering not to apply too much pressure.

It is very important that your doll dries naturally. Under no circumstances should any electric air dryer be used as this will damage the doll.

How to store sex doll torso?

There are a number of ways to store your sex doll. In order to keep your torso doll pristine, there is a set of criteria which you must adhere to:

Sunlight: Too much sunlight will cause ware and tear to the TPE, causing the TPE to degrade faster than usual.

Dust: The skin of your doll will easily collect dust stick to it. We recommend storing the doll in a storage bag or in the original product box as dust can be extremely difficult to remove.

Ink: If you are to store the doll in a storage bag, please be careful regarding the colours. As the doll will be in the storage bag for long periods of time, colors are likely to transfer from the bag if the wrong material is used.

Male masturbator, sex doll torso, full-size sex doll: which one is better?

What is a Male Masturbator?
A male masturbator is a product that enhances male masturbation. It’s a toy that heightens penile stimulation, and is an item whereby a man’s penis is inserted into a canal that, in a way, mimics the feeling of jerking off but in a way more intense fashion.

What Are the Pros of a Male Masturbator?
Easy to hide
Easier to clean
Cheaper than a sex doll

What Are the Cons of a Male Masturbator?
The sensation and stimulation is not as intense as with a sex doll
It’s not lifelike and has less of a ‘real-feel’
It’s not aesthetically pleasing

What is a Sex Doll Torso?
A sex doll torso is a life-like masturbator that merely gives the user access and visual aesthetics of a woman’s torso. For example, you would have a product of a woman’s neck, breasts, stomach, pussy, and often the base of her arms and legs.

What Are the Pros of a Sex Doll Torso?
It allows more pleasure than a male masturbator
It allows just as much pleasure as a full sex doll
It’s easier to hide, store, and clean than a full sex doll
It’s lighter than a full sex doll
It has a ‘real-feel’

What Are the Cons of a Sex Doll Torso?
It doesn’t give one the feeling of companionship
It doesn’t resemble the exact true appearance of a person, male or female

What is a Full Sex Doll?
A full sex doll has an entire body that contains a head, a torso, arms, and legs. These sex dolls are customised in an array of different designs, giving the user the ability to choose one that closely aligns with their personal taste. Oftentimes, these sex dolls have been modelled on actual people, such as porn stars.

What Are the Pros of a Sex Doll?
It mimics a like-life person
It has a ‘real-feel’
It can provide those with sexual anxieties with support, and can act as a companion

What Are the Cons of a Sex Doll?
It’s much more expensive than a male masturbator and a sex doll torso
It’s very big, making it difficult to hide, maintain, and clean
If not properly taken care of, has the capacity to mold, and produce bacteria rapidly

The Sex Toy with the Biggest Bang for Your Buck?
The sex doll torso comes highly recommended by many, as it gives you all of the perks of a full-size sex doll at a fraction of the price, yet in a smaller size, easier to hide, maintain, and clean.

It has a real-feel touch, and comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colours, allowing you to customise your favourite features. It gives one even more pleasure than a male masturbator, and is nicer to look at and feel.

So, what is the best sex toy with the biggest bang for your buck? The sex doll torso, hands down.

How long does a sex doll torso last?

The lifespan of a sex doll torso can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of materials used, frequency of use, care and maintenance practices, and storage conditions. Generally, a well-maintained sex doll made from high-quality materials like silicone or TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) can last for several years with proper care. Read more

Do I need to buy lubricants?

Whether or not you need to buy lubricants depends on personal preference and the specific sexual activities you engage in. However, lubricants can enhance sexual pleasure and reduce discomfort or friction, making them a valuable addition to many sexual encounters. Read more

Should I be ashamed of buying sex dolls?

No, there's no reason to feel ashamed about purchasing a sex doll. People have different preferences and needs when it comes to their sexual experiences and desires, and using a sex doll is just one of many ways individuals explore their sexuality and fulfill their needs. Read more

Is client information confidential?

Absolutely! Any details provided by you are stored securely in our database and no third party is allowed access to the information for targeting emails or marketing products. We take your privacy very seriously.

Are the sex dolls safe?

We only work with manufacturers that use the best quality materials, mainly premium grade silicone and TPE, for delivering custom sex dolls to your specifications. Rest assured we don’t use hazardous ingredients or chemicals that cause harm. Both TPE and silicone are durable, soft, and totally safe, so they won’t cause harm on coming in contact with skin and delicate parts of the body. It is important to clean your doll after each use. For more information on product care and maintenance please visit our Care & Maintenance section to learn more.

Can the sex dolls be sent as gifts?

Our sex dolls make excellent gifts for friends and loved ones and you have a wide range to choose from too. However, there are some restrictions in certain states and countries that we need to comply with, so before you place the order, please get in touch with us so we can provide the necessary information.

Can a customer pay in installments?

Yes. You have the option to use Paypal credit. For more information please see PayPal’s page on how this option works: https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/campaigns/terms/paypal-credit

Can you issue a refund? Is it possible to cancel an order?

Due to health and hygiene reasons, since we sell intimate adult products, we are unable to offer an exchange or refund or accept returns under any circumstances. As per our policy, cancelling an order after 24 hours will have a 20% cancellation fee. And cancelling 72 hours after your order will have a 30% cancellation fee. Please also be aware that highly customized dolls cannot be cancelled.

Can the shipments be directed to a PO box?

We use third party carriers for shipments (including FedEx and DHL), which is why it is not possible to deliver to a PO Box. However, there are arrangements where the carrier can detain your package at a nearby store or shipping hub and you can pick it up from there. We can provide the names of carriers associated with us so you can discuss alternate delivery options.

I may be out of town on the day my package is supposed to be delivered. How do i make arrangements?

Once your love doll is shipped with an assigned tracking number you can simply contact the shipper (FedEx) with your tracking number and make arrangements for the carrier to hold your package at a nearby store or shipping hub where you can then obtain your package.

Will I get the doll exactly as in the picture?

Yes! You will get the exact doll you see in the pictures. Note, clothes are not included as they are for display only.

All price are in US dollars?

All prices on our website are in US Dollars (USD). If your own currency is different (Euro (EUR), Canada Dollar (CAD), Australia Dollar (AUD) or any currency) our payment processor (PayPal) will handle the change for you. You will be charged in your own currency.

Will I need to pay custom import fees?

In some countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland and South America import taxes might be required at delivery. We have nothing to do with this, it is required by some countries, depending on the doll.